Subject: PDF: V4.10 Photoshop Newsletter Author: The Design & Publishing Center Uploaded By: DTG News Date: 7/15/1998 File: PS-9610P.pdf (613597 bytes) Estimated Download Time (52823 baud): < 3 minutes Download Count: 1123 Needs: Adobe Acrobat (Times, Helvetica recommended) Keywords: DTG, Path, Photo, Effects, FD Type: Freely Distributed Copyright Originally released online 03/09/97 Photoshop Tips & Tricks Newsletter -- Vol. 4, #10 Feature: Magic Paths Tips & Tricks in this issue #60 Two Views are better than One, #63 Fixing Grubby Photos #61 Screen Vision: helps evaluate your work! #62 Getting rid of nasty screens; #64 Pen & Ink Effects Photoshop Tips & Tricks is a supplement to DT&G Magazine, a monthly publication of The Design & Publishing Center 1996 All Rights Reserved. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader, Helvetica and Times. Contents copyright 1996, all rights reserved.